Name: Hugrún Jónsdóttir
Single or Taken: Taken
Sex: female
Birthday: June 30 1978
Sign: Cancer
Siblings: One sister, nine years older
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: greyish green
Height: 5'9"
. : R E L A T I O N S H I P S : .
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
What is your longest relationship?: 7 years
What was your shortest relationship?: If you count dating as a teenager where one month seemed like forever...I guess 2-3 weeks. Other than that 6 months.
. : F A S H I O N | S T U F F : .
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: I don't like shopping for clothes...but if I have to say something it's H&M
Any tattoos or piercings: yes (having it removed) and yes
Favorite brand?: Don't follow brands
What is your sexiest outfit? Any of them, as long as i am wearing them...but seriously you have to ask someone else.
What do you wear most the time?: Black pants and a pink t-shirt or black sweater...or pink sweater...
. : S P E C I F I C S : .
Do you do drugs?: My only drug is chocolate.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Dove
What are you most scared of?: Cancer
Who is the last person that called you?: Mom
What would you change about yourself?: Better skin
. : F A V O R I T E S : .
Colors: Almost every color there is...especially all kinds of red, pink, blue and green...aquamarine and lime
Foods: Chicken
Girls name: Tahirih
Boys name: Sayyid
Others: what do you mean "Others"?
Favorite Subjects in school: Psychology
Animals: Birds and cats
. : H A V E | Y O U | E V E R : .
Given anyone a bath?: Yes.
Smoked?: Tried it once, but I am totally against it.
Made yourself throw up?: Once when I was feeling really sick.
Skinny dipped?: Nope
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No, I don't cry that easily
Cried when someone died?: I cried at my grandmother's funeral ten years ago when I saw my grandfather cry. And when my son died just few weeks before he was supposed to be born.
Lied: Yes
Fallen for your best friend?: No.
Been rejected?: Yes.
Rejected someone?: Yes
Used someone?: Not deliberately
Done something you regret?: I don't regret anything, life is too short, but there are things in my life that I wish I had done differently.
. : C U R R E N T : .
Clothes: Black pants and a black sweater
Annoyance: Being tired
Smell: I can't smell anything, I have a cold
DVD in player: Piglet's Big Movie.
. : L A S T | P E R S O N : .
You touched: Alexandra
Hugged: Alexandra
You yelled at: I don't yell much, so I guess it has to be my ex almost two years ago
. : A R E | Y O U : .
Understanding: I try my best to be
Open minded: I try my best to be, but I'm not perfect though
Insecure: Used to be very insecure when I was younger, but hardly ever anymore
Hungry: Nope, just had breakfast
Smart: Extremely, and I'm always right ;)
Moody: It happens, but I'm usually very stable
Hard working: I'd say that I was just average, but when I think about it this summer I was a single mom with two I guess so...
Organized: trying to be
Healthy: some what
Shy: Not anymore, unless I'm in a group of people I don't know, not always though
Difficult: I think I'm pretty easy to get along with, but some of my friends think so because I don't follow the norm
Obsessed: Hardly, I'm too relaxed
Angry: Almost never, but injustice and prejudice makes me angry
Sad: Almost never
Happy: Almost every single moment
. : W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A : .
Kill?: I don't want to kill anyone
Slap?: No one
. : W H O : .
Makes you smile: Sean, Alexandra, Helga...most of my friends actually, nature, God, life, love and everything
. : D O | Y O U | E V E R : .
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that special someone to get on?: Nah, I'll just send him a text message if he's not there ;)
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Nope, giving birth and breastfeeding is so amazingly wonderful I would never give it up for anything in this world
Wish you were younger: never
. : N U M B E R : .
Of scars on my body: I think around 8 (I had a surgery few years ago which left 6 tiny scars on my tummy)
. : Y O U R | T H O U G H T S : .
I am: I am sooo tired...I really should go to bed earlier tonight (I've been saying that all summer)
I want: to meet Sean
I hear: The teacher talking
I hate: I don't hate
I fear: Nothing
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