
Ég var að heyra (frekar gamlar) fréttir. Mel Gibson á víst að vera að fara að gera mynd um hana Monu. Sjá eftirfarandi bréf síðan í janúar á þessu ári:

Dear Friends: I'm sure that by now you have all heard this great news: As you may have heard - Jack Lenz had done some of the music for the Passion of the Christ (the research alone took him 15 mths to do!) and he told us all at the SED conference, that a few months ago he met again with Mel Gibson and another producer from the movie in a hotel in L.A. and they were so appreciative of what he had done for their movie that they asked him what they could do for him.

Jack is sooooo sweet and the most humble person I know and his eyes sparkle and are always full of gentle happiness. He told them that he had always wanted to see a movie made about the 10 Iranian Baha'i women who had been martyred in the 80's (you know the ones that were martyred along with Mona who was only 17 yrs old and asked to be the last one hung so she could pray for the other woman to stay strong and face their deaths without fear or recanting their Faith- and Doug Cameron years ago had made that video and song "Mona with the Children").

He gave them a letter that Mona had written to read and when the producer looked up he was crying. So then they said to Jack "What do you need?" And Jack said laughingly "Oh, about $10 million Dollars!" and they said "Done!" So Jack has just finished the script and will be sending it to them by the end of this month! When he told everyone this story at the conference, all the Iranians started crying.

I think it was more out of profound gratitude that these courageous souls will not be forgotten and that their story might become immortalized in film. Jack gave them some Baha'i books to read. We'll see what happens as I understand Mr. Gibson is a very devout Catholic.

...Well I just recieved some additonal news about the movie that basically confirms that the news is true. It just such wonderful news that I had to share with you all. Here it is:

Hi! My name is Samim and I'm from Isfahan - Iran. I red the very exciting news about Mona's film and I asked my mother, who is writing Mona's biography (its 300 page now), to see if she had heard about this news. She asked Mona's mother, Mrs. Mahmudnizhad, and she confirmed that the news is accurate - in fact, Mel Gibson will have a discussion over the phone with Mona's mother on Thursday.

Thought I'd share this message with everyone. Thanks Samim Love Always, Your Baha'i Sister Lara xoxo


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