My grandmother is a hero. She was born in 1932 and gave birth to 12 healty children. My mom is the oldest of them. They lived on a farm and had no electricity until my mom was 15 (she was born in 1951).
Last year she was diagnosed with cancer. She beat it though, but last summer she had a heart failure. She survived that as well. It's incredible to see her, her moves are like she was 30 years younger than she is. She greets every day with modesty and smile.
Few days ago she was diagnosed with a new kind of cancer. It's fatal this time. She keeps smiling.
I am not complaining anymore.
Name: Hugrún Jónsdóttir
Single or Taken: Taken
Sex: female
Birthday: June 30 1978
Sign: Cancer
Siblings: One sister, nine years older
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: greyish green
Height: 5'9"
. : R E L A T I O N S H I P S : .
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
What is your longest relationship?: 7 years
What was your shortest relationship?: If you count dating as a teenager where one month seemed like forever...I guess 2-3 weeks. Other than that 6 months.
. : F A S H I O N | S T U F F : .
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: I don't like shopping for clothes...but if I have to say something it's H&M
Any tattoos or piercings: yes (having it removed) and yes
Favorite brand?: Don't follow brands
What is your sexiest outfit? Any of them, as long as i am wearing them...but seriously you have to ask someone else.
What do you wear most the time?: Black pants and a pink t-shirt or black sweater...or pink sweater...
. : S P E C I F I C S : .
Do you do drugs?: My only drug is chocolate.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Dove
What are you most scared of?: Cancer
Who is the last person that called you?: Mom
What would you change about yourself?: Better skin
. : F A V O R I T E S : .
Colors: Almost every color there is...especially all kinds of red, pink, blue and green...aquamarine and lime
Foods: Chicken
Girls name: Tahirih
Boys name: Sayyid
Others: what do you mean "Others"?
Favorite Subjects in school: Psychology
Animals: Birds and cats
. : H A V E | Y O U | E V E R : .
Given anyone a bath?: Yes.
Smoked?: Tried it once, but I am totally against it.
Made yourself throw up?: Once when I was feeling really sick.
Skinny dipped?: Nope
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No, I don't cry that easily
Cried when someone died?: I cried at my grandmother's funeral ten years ago when I saw my grandfather cry. And when my son died just few weeks before he was supposed to be born.
Lied: Yes
Fallen for your best friend?: No.
Been rejected?: Yes.
Rejected someone?: Yes
Used someone?: Not deliberately
Done something you regret?: I don't regret anything, life is too short, but there are things in my life that I wish I had done differently.
. : C U R R E N T : .
Clothes: Black pants and a black sweater
Annoyance: Being tired
Smell: I can't smell anything, I have a cold
DVD in player: Piglet's Big Movie.
. : L A S T | P E R S O N : .
You touched: Alexandra
Hugged: Alexandra
You yelled at: I don't yell much, so I guess it has to be my ex almost two years ago
. : A R E | Y O U : .
Understanding: I try my best to be
Open minded: I try my best to be, but I'm not perfect though
Insecure: Used to be very insecure when I was younger, but hardly ever anymore
Hungry: Nope, just had breakfast
Smart: Extremely, and I'm always right ;)
Moody: It happens, but I'm usually very stable
Hard working: I'd say that I was just average, but when I think about it this summer I was a single mom with two I guess so...
Organized: trying to be
Healthy: some what
Shy: Not anymore, unless I'm in a group of people I don't know, not always though
Difficult: I think I'm pretty easy to get along with, but some of my friends think so because I don't follow the norm
Obsessed: Hardly, I'm too relaxed
Angry: Almost never, but injustice and prejudice makes me angry
Sad: Almost never
Happy: Almost every single moment
. : W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A : .
Kill?: I don't want to kill anyone
Slap?: No one
. : W H O : .
Makes you smile: Sean, Alexandra, Helga...most of my friends actually, nature, God, life, love and everything
. : D O | Y O U | E V E R : .
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that special someone to get on?: Nah, I'll just send him a text message if he's not there ;)
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Nope, giving birth and breastfeeding is so amazingly wonderful I would never give it up for anything in this world
Wish you were younger: never
. : N U M B E R : .
Of scars on my body: I think around 8 (I had a surgery few years ago which left 6 tiny scars on my tummy)
. : Y O U R | T H O U G H T S : .
I am: I am sooo tired...I really should go to bed earlier tonight (I've been saying that all summer)
I want: to meet Sean
I hear: The teacher talking
I hate: I don't hate
I fear: Nothing